TV Walls Explained

Have you ever wanted to watch more than one TV program or sports game at once? A low-budget solution may be the TV’s picture-in-picture feature, but that’s clunky and not nearly big enough to enjoy programs properly - especially in a public environment such as a SportsBar, Bowling Alley, or Restaurant.
We’re not talking about hanging a random assortment of screens in your establishment and hunting and pecking through a pile of remotes controls to control them. The multi-screen solutions available to Bowling Alley, Bar, and Restaurant owners today are slick, stunning, and simple to operate.
What can you do with a Multi-Screen TV setup? One of the most common scenarios is for sports watching. Having several games playing on the wall at once, or one big game stretched across a multitude of TVs (especially on very large screens) is a sports fan's dream.
Is a multi-screen system complicated and expensive? Well, it can be. To do it right takes more than just installing multiple TVs on the wall. All the source components need to be properly installed and configured; source switching and control systems need to be programmed; remotes need to be managed.
This is where Sports-bar TV Systems comes into play. Our most popular are our four TV wall system where you may have either one game playing stretched across all four TVs or four separate programs playing on the four TVs and/or a combination of TVs playing programs either horizontal or vertical. All control is done via our SB-Touch Touch Panel controller, no cumbersome remotes to deal with.
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To learn more about multi-screen TV systems and video walls, including the pros and cons for each kind of system, contact us anytime.